The first ransomware attack occurred in 1991 by sending floppy disks via surface mail to researchers. Since then ransomware attacks have become much more complicated.
Nowadays you have to be diligent to prevent ransomware attacks. Read on for our best tips on ransomware protection.
It's vital that you keep your antivirus up to date. Enable automatic updates on the software. These updates often fix weak spots or known holes in the software.
Also many antivirus software has a built-in ransomware detector that adds an extra layer of protection.
Some security packages will even make copies of the files that are threatened by ransomware.
Also make sure you have a good firewall to help you prevent ransomware attacks.
If you get an email that you seems off don't click any links. Even if the email seems to be from a reputable company like your bank cable provider or credit card.
Sending fake emails with malicious links is the most common way of spreading ransomware.
Get into the habit of hovering over your links before you click. When you do the full URL will show up.
If the email seems to be from Netflix but is sending you to a URL with a bunch of strange characters and numbers you can bet it is a malicious link.
If you aren't sure contact the company the email seems to be from and confirm if they sent you that email. Visit their website or call the toll-free number.
Remember if you don't click you can avoid ransomware.
Make sure you frequently back up all your data. That way if you do get hit by a cyber attack you don't have to pay the ransom to get your data back.
Make sure to test your backups to ensure they are working well.
Never ever provide your personal information such as birthdate address and credit card information to an unsolicited email phone call or text message.
These cyber criminals often try to trick you into giving out this sensitive data by pretending to be from your IT department or from your credit card company.
Again if you aren't sure contact the right company or your IT department first. And don't provide that sensitive data.
Clicking on a bad link isn't the only way that you can become infected with ransomware.
Hackers can try to access your servers and other devices by hacking their passwords. Often they use bots to help them crack passwords. All six-digit passwords can be cracked in under an hour.
It's common for people to use easy-to-remember passwords. Unfortunately those are easy to crack. Also default passwords for certain logins should always be changed.
If necessary use a secure password keeper to store your passwords safely.
Thanks for reading. We hope this article has given you the information you need to prevent ransomware attacks at home and at work.
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