
Ready for Internal and External Attacks: The Importance of IT Security Audits

Written by Mindy Gallagher | Mar 1, 2021 5:00:00 AM

Cyber attacks and cyber crimes cost businesses over $3 billion in 2019. Companies not only need proper security measures but a definitive plan in place to protect themselves from these attacks. 

That's where IT security audits come in. Audits are strategies that organizations use to test and assess their cybersecurity suite. 

But what are the benefits of IT audits and how do I access them?

That's what we'll be looking at today. Read on to find out more about IT security audits and their value in 2021. 

What Is IT Auditing?

In simple terms IT security audits are evaluations testing how well your information system protects your company's information. 

IT audits are often based on your business goals and security standards. They help you stay ahead of potential cyberattacks and security breaches. 

They can be done internally by your security staff or you can contract a third-party to audit your systems for you. IT auditing is preferably done routinely to make sure your security measures are always up to date. 

Why Are IT Security Audits Important?

When your company makes an organizational change it might unintentionally leave some sensitive information vulnerable to intruders. Regular audits are designed to catch those vulnerabilities and address them. 

As such IT security audits keep your security priorities straight and help you protect your company information better. 

Benefits of IT audits include: 

  • Verifies whether your security strategy is adequate
  • Uncover any redundant or extraneous hardware
  • Reduce cost by getting rid of unneeded services
  • Remain compliant with regulations
  • Checks your security training's effectiveness

Types of IT Audits

There are different types of IT security audits based on who's doing them and how they're being carried out. 

Internal audits are usually done by senior-level IT managers for smaller companies. Some companies might have dedicated corporate internal auditors. The key is that these auditors are employed within your company. 

External audits are carried out by third-party auditors. They can either be state and federal employees or just private auditing businesses. Companies often hire external auditors for more neutral viewpoints. 

Manual audits are carried out by either internal or external auditors and require a more hands-on approach. This means interviews scans and physical system evaluations. 

Automated audits are computer-assisted scans. They're run using intelligent software and produce customizable audit reports. 

How to Perform a Security Audit

Whether you're an internal auditor or a third-party employee performing a security audit follows a basic four-part structure.

It starts with defining the assessment criteria. You have to determine the goals of the audit and break the objectives down to specific priorities. 

Next you'll prepare the security audit by focusing on business goals. You'll also choose your tools and methodologies needed to meet those goals. 

After that you'll execute the audit while taking care to provide the right documentation. Make sure you're monitoring progress while using previous audits to get a better picture. 

Finally you'll complete and share the results. Auditors often create an action item based on the findings. 

Get a Proper Security Audit Today

Protecting your company's information begins with knowing your vulnerabilities. Use this guide to help you decide whether to get IT security audits. 

Looking for a reliable IT security audit plan? Need effective business management solutions? Contact us today and we can get you started ASAP!

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