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Hiding Illegal Activities: A Guide to DSD or Distributed Spam Distraction

Have you experienced an influx of spam emails? Even if you delegate them to your spam or junk folder taking a peek into there shows you a constant deluge of nonsense emails with headers ranging from explicit invitations to threats of legal action.

These messages are alarming but you're savvy enough to know that they're of no real consequence so why is this happening?

You might be the victim of DSD (or distributed spam distraction). If any of this seems familiar keep reading to learn all about DSD and what you should do when you encounter it. 

What Is DSD? 

Distributed spam distraction happens as a result of someone accessing your private information. 

This often happens when there's a data breach from a website. Even if you don't have anything like credit card information or anything that can reveal your personal identity cybercriminals can use things like your email address and phone number to inundate you with spam emails. 

These emails may include links to malware but they may also be there to distract you from more pressing emails. These emails may include notifications or purchases that the cybercriminals made in your name. 

You can get thousands of emails a day when you're under attack. 

What Should I Do When I'm Targeted? 

The first thing that you should do is figure out the source. Google Chrome often notifies people of password breaches but you can also use several sites to identify where the problem is coming from. 

Doing this allows you to take all of the important next steps.

If you suspect that your bank information has been infiltrated contact your bank with your concerns. Check your account online to see if there are any unidentified purchases.

After this change your login credentials. 

What Should I Do in the Future? 

It's not your fault that you've received a DSD attack but that doesn't mean that you can't take steps to avoid the problem in the future.

First be cautious when you're signing up for websites that require personal or payment information. Look for secure payment options. Many of these websites are trusted and legitimate but that doesn't mean that a criminal can't breach them. 

Learn how to block spam emails. While putting them into your junk folder is enough to get them out of your line of vision and it may help you filter the problematic ones into your primary inbox it's a good idea to get a spam filter for your email. 

Invest in a good malware and threat solution that can protect you from revealing your own information and let you know when your device may have been breached. 

Have Spammers Targeted You?

While DSD seems like nonsense the results can be disastrous if you don't take steps to fix the problem. You need to protect your private information if you want the emails to stop. 

Don't hesitate to find appropriate solutions and keep an eye on your bank account until you know that you're in the clear. 

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