2 min read

How To Choose Between Managed IT Services Companies: A Guide

By 2025 the US managed services market could grow by a CAGR of 6.3%. More businesses are outsourcing their IT needs than ever before. In fact many small and medium enterprises are focusing on outsourcing cybersecurity solutions. 

Successfully employing managed services could help reduce IT costs by 25% to 45%. It could increase operational efficiency by 45% to 65% too. 

Not all managed IT services companies have the experience expertise or services you need though. Here are five tips that can help you narrow down your options. With these tips you can feel confident in your final choice. 

Partnering with a managed IT services company could help your business grow for years to come.

Start searching for an IT company with these five simple tips today. 

1. Look for Experience

Streamline your search by speaking with other business owners you know and trust. Ask if they've hired a managed IT service provider recently. If they have ask about their experience.

Make a list of questions to ask such as:

  • Was the team friendly professional and knowledgeable
  • What services did you request
  • How have they benefited your business
  • Have you encountered any issues with the company

Once you have a list of managed IT services companies to choose from look into their professional history. Consider how long the company has run and operated. Try to find a long-established IT company.

An established business is less likely to encounter operational kinks.

Try to find an IT company with experience helping businesses within your industry too. 

2. Review Their Services

Take the time to review the services each IT company has to offer. Make sure they offer services that align with your goals. For example you might need:

  • Comprehensive technology support
  • Information security
  • Network monitoring

About 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses. About 60% of these companies go out of business within six months of an attack. Consider information security to protect your company this year.

If you're not sure what services you need schedule a consultation. Ask the company how they can help accomplish your goals. 

3. Consider Response Times

Ask each company about their current response times. Make sure they can react quickly when you experience a hack or outage. 

4. Request Referrals

Request references and reviews from each managed IT business on your list. Make sure you choose a company with a strong reputation. 

If you find a number of negative reviews choose a different business. 

5. Ask About Pricing

Before choosing a managed IT service provider ask for an itemized list of their services. Gather estimates from three different providers. Then compare your options.

Comparison shopping will help you gauge the local average cost. If one price seems too high or too low question why. Determine how each company calculates its pricing.

Review their contract before making your final decision. 

Start Searching: 5 Tips for Choosing Managed IT Services Companies

Choosing between managed IT services companies shouldn't feel stressful. Instead use these tips during your search. With these tips you can feel confident in your final choice.

The best IT business will set you up for success.

Eager to get started? We can help. 

Contact us today to review your managed IT service options. 

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