The Ultimate Guide to Technology Support in Plymouth Meeting PA
When was the last time you read up on the latest IT news? Nobody will blame you if you can’t remember.
2 min read
Mindy Gallagher : Oct 25, 2021 12:00:00 AM
As a small business owner you have a lot of responsibilities to take care of. In an age where all businesses rely on technology your tech needs often have to take priority. But how are you supposed to make technology in the workplace a priority when you're not sure where to turn?
It might be time to invest in an outsourced IT support company.
We're here to talk about why IT outsourcing is a worthwhile expense regardless of your budget. Read on to learn more.
While it costs money to outsource managed IT services it will save you money in the long run. So how does this work?
The alternatives to outsourcing IT services are:
When you hire an in-house team member you'll get reliable service but at a premium price. People who work in tech support take a lot of time to learn how to take care of IT needs and their paycheck reflects that. This isn't an accessible option for most small business owners.
You can hire contractors for one-off events but this can also be expensive. By the time you realize you have a problem you've already set yourself back. This means that the problem will be more expensive.
Speaking of saving money when you outsource IT services you get a full team it IT professionals for a low price. This means that you get people with all levels of expertise.
While having an in-house IT person is great that's only one person with one skill set. Why not outsource and get a variety of people to help?
How aware are you of the risk of cybercrime to your business? Many business owners think that it can't happen to them but in reality this isn't true. Small and medium businesses are the victims of 43% of all data breaches.
When you outsource IT support you get experienced professionals who know how to identify and prevent cybercrime from harming your business. One bad cybercrime event can result in a huge loss of customer trust money and reputation.
Outsourcing your IT needs means that you have access to more resources for cybersecurity.
Even if you have an in-house team member for your IT needs can they be there around the clock? One person can't take care of your needs 24/7 but tech problems don't stop when you clock out.
Outsourcing your IT support needs means that you'll get full-time tech support whenever you need it. Don't arrive at work to a huge disaster because no one was available at night.
Outsourcing an IT support company is the obvious answer if you're a small business owner. Don't put yourself at risk or make your life harder by trying to manage tech on your own. Let an experienced team of professionals take care of everything for you.
Are you looking for IT support when you need it? Contact us at Alura so we can start working together today.
When was the last time you read up on the latest IT news? Nobody will blame you if you can’t remember.
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