2 min read

Here's Why You Should Have Your Network Monitored

Did you know that there are 312 million internet users in the United States? 90% of U.S. adults said they used the internet at the very least occasionally.

If you own and run a business you want to make sure your office and employees always have a protected network connection. Keep reading and we will walk you through what a networking monitoring service is and why it’s important for your business.

Network Monitoring Service

There is an increased need for applications that always available and services for businesses. As the demand keeps growing the need for a network monitoring service is essential.

Network monitoring systems are the warning signal when applications closeout or stop working. Network availability monitoring tools help IT teams to check and test the strength of their network devices and overall network.

Network monitoring systems can track how much bandwidth the network can withstand availability and connectivity response times.

They also provide detailed analytic reports that help the IT Manager with troubleshooting.

If you have questions and don’t know where to start check out Alura Business Solutions. We will walk you through our world-class monitoring and maintenance services.

We offer a variety of services from network monitoring to help you manage and automate your IT systems. Automation is key to helping out your IT team. Check out our NetAlert services here.

Do I Need a Network Monitoring Service For My Business?

Short answer yes you need a network monitoring service for your business. We are going to go through the benefits of having network monitoring.

1. Centralized Management with The System

If someone breaks their computer because everything is centrally managed in one network there is little danger of data being lost.

Using a monitoring system across your business’s network and avoids any major loss of data if someone's computer breaks.

2. Evaluate and Monitor Device Health

Network monitoring services help you see if a device is offline or down. You can monitor your employee’s network connection and help them troubleshoot if their computer isn't working.

This is helpful especially now when a lot of people are working remotely.

3. Long-Term Hardware

You can see warrany status on servers and workstations. You can use this information to avoid future network issues keep your hardware performing at its best and develop a lifecyle management plan so you can replace equipment before it fails.

4. Network Performance Analysis

Using a network monitoring system allows you to analyze your network’s performance and get detailed reports from the service.

It’s helpful to analyze and see how you can improve your network connection and security.

Now that you can see that a network monitoring service is essential for a new business you should look through your options. Find the system that fits your budget company size and network system.

Get A Networking Monitoring Service Today

Now that you know why it’s essential to get a network monitoring service start looking for one that’s best for your business.

There are many benefits for your business using a networking monitoring system and it's helpful for your IT team to troubleshoot and solve problems. 

Consult with a professional service to help see what kind you need and how you can budget for the service.

Get set up or contact Alura Business Solutions with questions today.

Our technological expertise and extensive experience allow us to work with virtually any system enabling you to meet your specific goals and objectives–no matter how complex they may be. We pride ourselves on offering sophisticated solutions that other smaller IT firms simply cannot offer outfitting your company with a reliable support system as your needs expand and evolve. Alura Business Solutions provide services including but not limited to: Carrier Solutions Bandwidth Solutions Phone Solutions Wiring Solutions Client Access IT Solutions

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