3 min read

Outsourcing vs In-House IT: What's the Difference?

There are more than 30000 jobs that are outsourced each year. Amongst these jobs is the job of the IT department.

There are several reasons a company might outsource a part of their company but there are also reasons why they would keep things in-house. If you're curious about the battle between outsourcing vs. in-house you've come to the right place.

Below we're going to break down the pros and cons of each and leave the final decision up to you.

In-House Team

If you enjoy having control over every area of your business allowing the IT department to be in-house will be the best option. It gives you a chance to pop in from time to time to see how everything is running.

Another benefit to having the IT department in-house is that you can use the team to your advantage by increasing your competitive advantage. This means you're able to stay on top of your competition and lead in your industry.

Working in-house means your team will have a better understanding of each area of IT. Your team will be able to get information about each computer that operates on your company network.

Where there is an advantage there is also going to be a disadvantage. When you keep business functions in-house you're going to use more money paying and training your employees.

This includes creating employee packages for the people that you're onboarding. Keep in mind that there won't always be something for them to do but you will still need to pay them.

Outsourcing IT

Now that you've got more insight into the advantages and disadvantages of an in-house IT team we're going to detail the same when you outsource your IT team. The first advantage is that you save yourself time when it comes to hiring the right team and training them in all things IT.

Another key advantage is that it's one of the most cost-effective options for companies. The reason for this is that most managed IT providers provide several services to their clients.

Therefore you can create a customized package for your company only using the services that you need. A disadvantage to outsourcing is that the IT department isn't down the hall.

You're going to be giving up a considerable amount of control when you outsource. Another con to outsourcing is the chance of a digital breach occurring could slightly increase.

Co-Managed Services

Now that you understand the advantages and disadvantages of in-house IT and outsourcing there is one way that you can incorporate both. There is something known as co-managed IT services which is when you take the internal framework knowledge that an internal manager has and combine it with the skills provided by an outside provider.

Is your internal IT manager overextended? We partner with your internal IT team to learn about your organization your IT challenges and how you can leverage your firm’s technology. We create action plans and implement IT solutions that make your organization operate more efficiently. Alura will be there with fast reliable co-managed IT services and professional knowledgeable technicians.

Your It manager will have the support and backing of someone that knows everything there is to know about IT.

Co-managed IT services are meant to make life easier for your internal IT manager and team. Alura’s engineers offer a wide range of technical service solutions to help you leverage your firm’s technology environment. Alura is your trusted IT partner who will be there to help you maximize your IT infrastructure.

Co-Managed Cybersecurity

Improve your organization’s cybersecurity process. Co-managed security support will reduce complexity so your internal IT manager can focus on overall IT security strategy. We proactively monitor security threats increase data protection and ensure compliance requirements are met. We consult with clients with their specific needs in mind to help guide them to the ideal security processes like 2-factor authentication makes the most sense.

Outsourcing vs. In-House

When you're looking at the debate about whether outsourcing vs. in-house is the right decision for you we've given you all the facts. When you create an in-house team you hold all the control.

But when you outsource it can save your company time and money on training resources. If you're looking to hire a company to provide you all your IT services contact Alura.

We're here to provide you the IT support you didn't know you needed.

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