2 min read

5 Signs Your Business May Be Ready to Outsource IT Services

More than half of businesses have turned to outsourcing to reduce their business costs. One of the best services to outsource as a growing company that wants to succeed in IT.

While technology companies clearly benefit from additional IT help the truth is any company that handles any amount of data or customer information can benefit as well. Saving money is only one of the many benefits that come with outsourcing. 

If you want to save money and scale-up read on to learn five signs it's time to outsource IT. 

1. You're Getting Left Behind

One of the best signs that it's time to outsource IT is that you're having a hard time keeping up with the technology. Advancements in the IT industry are constant and as soon as you get one under you're belt there's another to learn.

Whether it's new hardware or a software update it saves an immense amount of time to leave it to an IT company that's always up to date for you. No more struggling with the learning curve. 

2. Your Team is Overworked 

If your regular staff is handling your IT there's a large room for error and waste. If though you have an internal IT department it's still possible for them to get overworked. 

Signs that your IT department can no longer scale with you include difficulty undertaking large projects or a large number of projects working overtime and taking too long. 

When this happens it's time to get extra IT support from an outside source. You could hire more people to your internal team but as you continue to grow it will only continue to be a problem. 

3. You Handle Important Data

It's extremely important that your business outsource IT support if you handle any important data that poses a cybersecurity threat. 

If you lose company data it could harm operations and be a huge financial blow. If that data got into the wrong hands through hacking things could get even worse. If you lose confidential customer data you could face severe punishment and lash back.

Data is sensitive and can be lost through physical storage damage data breaches hacking viruses or spyware. In addition 52% of data breaches are a result of an external hacker.

4. You're Ready to Level Up

One of the many benefits of outsourcing is that it makes it possible for your business to grow and grow faster. This is because IT services are scalable and can adjust to the size of your business. 

Not only does outsourcing permit growth because an external team can take on larger projects and information but it helps you grow by making your business more efficient and competitive. 

5. You Need to Reduce Costs

Outsourcing is great for reducing current expenditures and making more money in the long run. The biggest expense you'll save on is labor. This is because you'll be paying for a service rather than paying several employees' worth of salaries benefits and more. 

Since outsourcing is also more efficient and guarantees excellent service you won't have to worry about IT issues negatively affecting employee productivity and wasting time. 

Know When It's Time to Finally Outsource IT

No matter what your scale outsourcing IT services can benefit your business. If however your business is growing and ready to expand it becomes a must. Consider the 5 signs in this article for when its time to consider an external team. 

If you're ready to outsource IT check out our unique managed IT consulting services today. 

Our technological expertise and extensive experience allow us to work with virtually any system enabling you to meet your specific goals and objectives–no matter how complex they may be. We pride ourselves on offering sophisticated solutions that other smaller IT firms simply cannot offer outfitting your company with a reliable support system as your needs expand and evolve. Alura Business Solutions provide services including but not limited to: Carrier Solutions Bandwidth Solutions Phone Solutions Wiring Solutions Client Access IT Solutions

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